& Friendship
& Development
Azadi Trust is a small, Christian Charity in the heart of Birmingham. We have a vision for local community outreach and service, aiming to bring freedom, peace, and the life of Jesus to those of all faiths and none, particularly to those marginalised by age, ethnicity, disability, or destitution.
Our projects include:
The Open Door Friendship Centre: A safe and neutral shopfront community centre in Small Heath. Anyone can drop in for some tea and a chat, or to take part in activities or classes such as sewing, computer or English.
Hope Garden: A garden project of healing and friendship for asylum seekers and refugees.
Azadi House: A low-rent community focussed house for disadvantaged men.
Azadi Trust is a registered charity, number 1138663; it also is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, number 07247132.