Christian Action Resource Enterprise Ltd

Registered Charity 1027978

UK Poverty &
& Friendship

CARE started as a registered charity in 1993 and was born out of a strong desire to address inequalities in society.
Since then projects have been set up that focus on trying to relieve poverty, hardship and distress.
This is the charity's core aim and over the years this has manifested itself through the following services; Local charity shop.

Furniture donation project that gives furniture and other essential items free of charge to those in need. Working in partnership with 90 landlords to provide private rented accommodation to those who otherwise could not afford it. Providing shared housing to those coming out of local hostels as part of their journey in achieving independent living. 1:1 support in the home for families experiencing severe housing difficulty and trying to help people maintain their tenancies and prevent them becoming homeless. A food larder that provides emergency food parcels to those in financial crisis. Parenting courses,1:1 parenting support, fun days