Alpha International

Registered Charity 1086179

& Outreach

Share life, faith, hope and Jesus
People are longing for hope, purpose and meaning. A gift to Alpha could help someone find this through a relationship with Jesus.
In a world that has been through a time of testing, we have seen more people searching for answers to life's big questions. Alpha going online has meant it is now easier than ever for someone to join.

We believe there is an opportunity like never before to share the hope of the gospel in every corner of the globe.

A gift to Alpha will ensure that we can equip churches of all sizes to run Alpha. When this happens, more people will be given the opportunity to ask questions, explore faith and discover a personal relationship with Jesus.

I had no Christian background, so I had a lot of questions. I don't know what it was, but I was way more vulnerable online. Jesus became so real to me. Alpha has shown me that I will never walk alone again.” Erin, Alpha Guest

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