Youth Education, Worldwide - Garry Kishere

& Human Rights
Mental Health
& Wellbeing

Cross Border Initiatives - Innovation In Counter Trafficking
CBI works in countries where exploitation is prevalant and the sex industry is overwhelmed with people forced to be there.
We work with grass roots organisations helping them to keep young people and adults safe.

In seeking to identify needs in the countries we work, we have felt it important to develop some therapuetic support services for frontline workers who are frequently overwhelmed with the subject matter they are imersed in. Secondary trauma, the PTSD of working with other peoples stories, frequently sees workers burned out and withdrawing prematurely from this important work. Having contributed to research and books on past and modern slavery, we have become a passionate consultant to other organsations whose strategies and internal culture are not enabling them to have the impact which we all wish to see. It is a sad repetative reality, that no one is helping the helpers.