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Close Relative Giving

Partner Account for Individuals 

Christian workers and Bible College students* can only use funds from a Partner Account for Individuals towards their living costs or personal ministry expenses.

Under Gift Aid rules, there are restrictions on the use of funds given to Stewardship by a close relative of the intended Christian worker or Bible College student, or funds given by a close relative of the spouse of the intended individual. Close relatives are defined as: 


  • Husband, wife or civil partner
  • Brother or sister (including step- or in-law)
  • Parent, grandparent, great grandparent (including step- or in-law)
  • Son or daughter, grandchild, great grandchild (including step- or in-law)

Note: Uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews and cousins are not defined as close relatives.

*Please note, we no longer accept new applications for the Partner Account for Individuals from Bible College students.

Giving from close relatives

Under Gift Aid rules, close relatives of a Christian worker or Bible College student, and close relatives of their spouse if they have one, are permitted to:


  • Give to Stewardship with Gift Aid in support of the individual’s personal ministry expenses up to their approved amount (see below)
  • Give to Stewardship without Gift Aid in support of the individual’s living costs

Under Gift Aid rules, close relatives are not permitted to give to Stewardship with Gift Aid in support of an individual’s living costs.


We apply the same principle to Payroll Giving as there is a tax benefit to the giver. This means close relatives:


  •  Are only permitted to give to Stewardship using Payroll Giving in support of the individual’s personal ministry expenses up to their approved amount (see below)
  • Cannot give to Stewardship using Payroll Giving in support of the individual’s living costs due to the tax benefit already received


What are personal ministry expenses vs living costs?

What are personal ministry expenses vs living costs?

Personal ministry expenses are costs that an individual incurs in order to carry out their ministry or study and which aren’t reimbursed to them. For example, flights if serving overseas or course fees for Bible College students.

By ‘personal ministry expenses’ we mean the cost of equipment, training, materials, travel for ministry purposes and other costs relating directly to the individual’s ministry/work, which they incur and aren’t reimbursed. 

By ‘living costs’ we mean the individual’s accommodation, food and other general living expenses. We calculate the amount individuals can receive from us for living costs based on factors such as location, role, family circumstances etc.

In the application process, we ask the Christian Worker or Bible College student to detail any personal ministry expenses they may have. Once reviewed, we confirm the level of approved personal ministry expenses to them, which the individual can view at any time in their account online.

Close relatives are permitted to give with Gift Aid up to the approved level of personal ministry expenses (including the gift and Gift Aid) in a 12-month period.


Exceeding the close relative limit

It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure they do not receive gifts with Gift Aid from close relatives which exceed their approved personal ministry expenses. If gifts and the associated Gift Aid funded by close relatives exceed the approved personal ministry expenses, the individual must contact us to review if their personal ministry expenses have increased, or to amend any close relative giving to not claim Gift Aid.

In the event of undue delay in notifying us, the individual may be required to repay funds received from Stewardship. If personal ministry expenses exceed £2,000pa, we may ask for them to be substantiated with receipts. 

These are strict conditions of payments made by Stewardship. If you need further help, please do talk to us.

Partner Account for Individuals

apply for your account today contact the team