St Marks - towards 200 years
Closing date: 09 August 2026
Raised out of £650000 target
Including Gift Aid: £ 602670.78
Raised offline: £ 598000
To repair the fabric of the church, install community kitchen and accessible toilets.
Major Grants for our next Phase:
Heritage Lottery Fund - £134,000
National Churches Trust Last Chance Churches - £100,000
National Churches Trust Cornerstone Grant - £10,000
Historic Environment Scotland - in the region of £100,000
Scottish Episcopal Church Net Zero Grant - £44,000
Benefact Trust - £6,000
FCC Foundation - £40,000
Scottish Episcopal Church - £50,000
Baird Trust - £7,000
Beatrice Laing Foundation - £5,000
Congregational and General Charitable Trust - £15,000
Portobello Ammenity Group - £500
The transformation will preserve the beauty of our heritage and renew it for the future of the church congregation and the people of Portobello.
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