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Myra's Wells’s page

Appeal for help to feed about 600 children at an orphanage.

Closing date: 10 January 2023



Raised out of £4000 target


Including Gift Aid: £ 3879

Raised offline: £ 3879



This is the Village of Hope in Burkina Faso - a Christian orphanage and school with 600 children. Myra's Wells' most productive well was drilled here 12 years ago making 33,000 litres of water available every hour!

Due to factors such as security and rising prices, there is a critical situation with food supplies. During his visit in January, Eddie is planning to give the village some help with buying rice, peas, fish, maize, cooking oil, peanuts and beans (not baked beans!).

No money that has been donated for wells will be used for this purpose and so a separate fund has been opened for anyone who would like to contribute to this cause.

If you would like to contribute, please use this page. If you are eligible for GiftAid, please tick the box - it will increase the value of your gift by 25% without costing you anything - our generous Chancellor of the Exchequer will just give it to us.

If there are any questions, please email [email protected].

Thank you for your kindness.

Raising funds for