Sue’s 50th Birthday Celebration fundraiser for Saffires
Closing date: 09 July 2024
As part of my 50th Birthday celebration I would like to ask if you will join with me to support Saffires, which is a local christian charity who support women in the sex industry. They provide confidential care, friendship, practical help & signpost them to appropriate services & opportunities to make positive life changes.
I have worked for many years for charities aiming to help, support & show kindness to those who society don't always accept. God called me to this work through Isaiah 61:1 & my heart is that I use my 50th Birthday celebrations to bring some kindness to ladies who have found themsleves in a lifestyle that they would not have naturally chosen & need the kindness of Saffires to help & support them -
Donating with Stewardship is really easy and completely secure. If you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give. Thank you
Raising funds for
Happy Birthday Sue have a lovely day and blessed year , Ann & Romel XX
Happy Birthday Sue!
Happy birthday Sue! Love Beth x
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