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Stewardship Generosity Report 2024 Exploring Christian giving in the UK

Launch of the Stewardship Generosity Report 2024

Exploring Christian giving in the UK

Ruth Jackson headshot Ruth Jackson
4 min

We are excited to announce the launch of our inaugural Stewardship Generosity Report, which explores Christian giving in the UK.

Key findings

  1. There is a significant giving potential to unlock which could positively impact thousands of lives across the UK.
  2. Regular church attendance more than doubles propensity to give.
  3. Two key drivers for giving are seeing the difference donations make and being able to trust the causes receiving them.
  4. Personal appeals are more effective at inspiring spontaneous charitable giving.
  5. Those who discuss their giving tend to give more.

About the research

We commissioned Whitestone Insight to conduct this new research, which seeks to provide rigorous, objective data on the UK Christian giving landscape. It also examines the gap between current and potential levels of generosity and points to how that gap might be closed by sharing insights into the factors driving and hindering generosity. The report provides quantitative and qualitative data, including case studies, which are designed to support Stewardship's partners - churches, charities and Christian workers - in inviting generosity and growing support.

The report’s research reveals eight key findings that are grouped under three headings: ‘Active faith’, ‘Connection to causes’ and ‘Unlocking the giving potential’. The learnings are designed to provide valuable insights into the impact of faith and the donor-cause relationship on giving, and to identify factors that are key to encouraging generosity. The report also includes recommendations for our partners and a list of helpful resources for next steps.

Data points to significant giving potential

Average amount (£) Chritians give per month, with donor pool size Church, Christian charities 2,542 donors £27.91, Individuals in ministry 910 donors £39.63 and Secular charities £29.50

Our Generosity Report measures monthly average giving from UK Christians at 3.2% of income after tax. This equates to £73 a month or £876 a year. This is £8 more per month than the £65 that is reportedly given by UK citizens to all charities, according to the Charities Aid Foundation¹.

If each Christian in the UK gave 10% after tax - based on the principle of tithing described in the Bible - a potential 3.5 times more - £232 a month or £2,784 year - could be given to causes each year by charity. Unlocking this latent giving potential could mean so many more lives and communities around the UK could be transformed.

Christians understanding of tithing 5 out of 15 understood it as giving 10% of income after tax. Of those 5, 3 had that as a personal goal for their giving

The two biggest barriers to giving are people feeling unable to afford to give and a lack of trust that donations will be used well.

This year’s report is an important first step that we plan to build on by running the research on an annual basis.

“Stewardship enjoys a unique position in the Christian charity sector, serving both donors and the causes they support. While we are privileged to witness incredible levels of joyful generosity in our own work, we could see there was a gap between current and potential levels of generosity in the UK. This research was designed to help us measure this gap and to check our understanding of what is both driving and hindering generosity.

We hope the findings will also be valuable to our partners by helping them identify practical steps for unlocking more giving potential. Our ultimate goal is for more people to discover the joy of being more generous towards the causes they are passionate about.” Janie Oliver, CEO, Stewardship

Support for the Generosity Report

"I warmly endorse this initiative from Stewardship. It’s fascinating to read their Generosity Report and to see how Christian giving is truly transforming the impact of Kingdom initiatives across the UK.” Debra Green OBE DL, Executive Director, Redeeming our Communities

“Massive well done to Stewardship for commissioning this innovative and informative research report that I’m sure will influence, inform and shape Christian giving, increasing its impact for the Gospel for many years to come.” Rev Wendy Pawsey, Head of giving, Evangelical Alliance

Read the report

View and download our Generosity Report, and then please take a moment to complete our feedback survey - we need your input to help us shape next year's report.

Download the report

Give us your feedback

Watch our launch presentation

Catch up on the presentation of our report and the panel discussion from our launch event. 



Listen to our interview with Premier Radio

Our Chief Purpose Officer, Daniel Jones, unpacks some of the findings from the report in this interview with Premier Radio.


About Whitestone Insight

We engaged specialist research firm, Whitestone Insight, to conduct the Stewardship Generosity Report 2024 on our behalf as an independent research project. They assist clients with public policy, marketing and communications.

Media enquiries

If you are a journalist with a media enquiry, please get in touch.


¹Participants of the survey were asked how much they give to a variety of causes. This figure is the sum of the mean average donation from all Christians to each cause, including those who do not give. For the comparative data from the Charities Aid Foundation, see their UK Giving Report 2023.

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Profile image of Ruth Jackson
Written by

Ruth Jackson

Ruth is leading the PR and Communications for Stewardship, which she joined in April 2022. 

She has over 25 years’ marketing communications experience across a range of sectors, including higher education, technology and the arts, both business- and customer-facing.

Ruth worships and serves at C3 Church in Cambridge where she lives with her husband, two teenage daughters, a dog and a cat. When she’s not at her desk, you might find her rowing on the River Cam, in a ballet class or out for a walk. 

She supports causes that are focused on alleviating global poverty and injustice, with a particular interest in supporting vulnerable children.

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