Product Updates
Keep up to date with the latest changes and improvements to our digital product

All accounts:
Cookie preferences & sign in
24 January 2025
- You can now change your cookie preferences at any time by clicking on the new link in the footer of your online account
- Bugs appearing in account creation and sign in with Google or Apple have been fixed
All accounts:
General fixes and improvements
16 January 2025
- Several fixes for bugs and inconsistencies in the process for giving through an online page (including Partner Pages, Fundraising pages, and donation links), as well as in Partner Account
- When creating a new account while making a gift from an online page, users will now automatically be signed in
- Increased clickable functionality achieved on the Giving Account dashboard
Stewardship Giving App:
Release to Apple Store
18 December 2024
Our Stewardship Giving App for Giving Account donors is live in the App Store! Over the past 24 months, we’ve been in testing with 250 givers, exploring how to best serve their giving needs with improved user journeys and vibrant, intuitive design. As we continue development for Android, we’re celebrating a significant step towards delivering our vision of a thriving Kingdom economy.
If you're an iOS user, you can now download the iOS Giving App.
If you're an Android user, and feeling a bit left out, you can sign up for the Android app waitlist.
All accounts:
Add user screens & current balance calculations
17 December 2024
- We updated the Add user success screen for the Giving Account, to make the codeword and how to share it clearer. This is the same change that we made for the Partner Account in the previous release.
- We have changed how the current balance is calculated, to make sure we include all pending transactions when we show running totals and opening and closing balances in statements
Giving Accounts: Improved link bank account
Partner Accounts: Improved add user & fixing images
9 December 2024
Giving Account updates:
- The process for linking a bank account now has a new design to help make it clearer which type of bank account you should use
- We have also fixed a small issue on sign in relating to our Terms and Conditions screen, and a small issue with making a gift from a Partner Page with Google or Apple Pay
Partner Account updates:
- We have redesigned the Add user success screen to make it clearer that you should share the on-screen codeword with the new user
- We have made some improvements to the Grants Received letter so that you cannot accidentally generate a letter for a future date
- We fixed an issue with making a gift from a Partner Page as a signed-in Stewardship Partner, and we also fixed a few issues with uploading and cropping images on Key Info, Partner Profile, and Fundraising screens
All accounts: View password
Giving Account: Simpler regular gift dates
27 November 2024
We have improved our Sign in screens
If you are using your email and a password to sign in to your account, or if you are creating a new password, you can now use a toggle to reveal the password and check that you are typing it correctly. Only do this if you are sure that your password can’t be seen by anyone around you.
We have also simplified transaction dates for givers
We have removed the option to choose the dates 29, 30, or 31 when creating monthly Top-ups and gifts. Previously, if a giver had chosen one of these dates for their giving, but the month didn’t have a 29th, 30th or 31st day, the transaction had to be made on a different day. We are removing these dates so that givers can always be clear about when payments will be taken, and so that our Partner charities have consistency on when they receive regular gifts. If you have existing regular payments in on these dates, we will be soon change these to the 1st. If this change applies to you, we will be in touch shortly.
We have fixed the following issues:
- Non-UK customers were sometimes unable to add new users to their account
- Our link to set up new Sign in details was often erroring
- A validation message on our new Sign in details Code word screen wasn’t working
- We have also changed the wording on all our error screens to make them clearer
Making giving clearer
13 November 2024
We heard from our givers that the way we used the words “Top-up” and “Gift” was confusing, particularly when you were trying to manage your regular giving. We have now tweaked how we use these words and how we display your regular giving in your account.
Changes include:
- We have made changes to the Giving Account Dashboard, the Regular Giving screen, and the Top-up screen to reflect the new way we use these words.
- We have added some extra information to the Dashboard and to screens for creating and editing regular gifts and top-ups so that you can easily see the total amount that will be debited from your bank account by Stewardship each month.
- You can change the date of your regular gifts from the Regular Giving screen.
- We also now show if you have a “pending” regular Top-up or Gift by Direct Debit. This means that your Direct Debit payment is being processed but it hasn’t happened yet. This should give you peace of mind that your regular Top-up to balance or regular Gift is on the way and will arrive on the date you requested.
In addition to this:
- We have made Apple Sign in smoother.
- We have fixed a bug with the giver PDF statement download.
- We have improved parts of the account design, like spacing and fonts.
Fixes and improvements for Partners
30 October 2024
We have improved the code behind the Partner Account dashboard screen, so this screen will now load faster.
We have also identified an error with uploading images on the Partner Account, and we have created a specific error message to help you know what’s gone wrong. We are still working on the bug fix.
Account sign in:
Apple ID
16 October 2024
As a Giver or a Partner, you can now choose to use Apple ID to sign in to your Stewardship Account. This option is available when creating a new account, or when adding yourself as a new user to an existing account. If you already have sign in details with an email and password, or with a Google account, and you would like to change to using your Apple ID, please contact your relevant Stewardship team, and they can help you reset your sign in details.
Individual Partners:
Grants Received Report
18 September 2024
As an Individual Partner, you can now download a formal PDF statement of the grants you have received from Stewardship from the Payments section of the Activity screen in your online account. This can be used to provide evidence of your income.
Giving, DAF and Philanthropy Fund Accounts:
5 September 2024
You can now download a PDF statement of your giving with Stewardship from your online account. To do this, simply go to the Activity screen, where you can view a report of your account activity. You can also select a specific date range and filter for certain types of transactions. Once you are happy with your selection, select Download Statement at the bottom of the report. This will generate a branded PDF statement containing the information showing on the activity screen, that you can use for your accounts and records.
Linked Worker Account
5 September 2024
We now have a new account type: Linked Worker Accounts. This account is for Christian workers who are employed by a charity, and who fundraise for that charity to help cover the cost of their salary.
The Linked Worker Account looks and feels the same as a normal Individual Partner Account. It is your own account, with your own Profile Page where you can raise support for your charitable work. You can log in online to update your details or Profile Page, access reports showing all your regular and one-off gifts, and find details about your team of Supporters.
The key differences with the Linked Worker Account are: all the gifts made to your account will be transferred to your linked charity’s Partner Account, and your linked charity will have full access to view and edit your account using their normal Stewardship login. This allows the charity to oversee and manage these accounts, while simultaneously allowing the Christian charitable worker complete visibility and control of their support raising.
For more information, see our Help and Support section for Linked Worker Accounts. If you would like to create a Linked Worker account, contact the Individual Partnerships Team at [email protected] .
Partner Accounts: New Look Partner Account
20 August 2024
This update includes three exciting changes:
- To help you showcase your work in a more compelling way that invites generosity, we have designed new tools to help you build a richer partner profile page. You can now add and arrange multiple text blocks, images, and videos on your page, along with a cover image, tagline, all your social media links and more. See our new profile page guidance for advice on using these new tools to share your vision and inspire new and existing supporters.
- You can now identify your cause areas with up to three of our Cause Categories, which will be visible to supporters on your profile page. For many Partner accounts, we have automatically chosen two Cause Categories for you. You can review and edit these in the ‘Profile’ tab of your Partner Account.
- We have redesigned the online Partner Account to make it easier for you to find your way around and to access all the information and options that you need. There are also other improvements and new features across the account. Highlights include detailed information about your Supporters, and new sorting and filtering in the Activity screen. There are too many updates to list here, so we suggest that you sign in and take a look for yourself! If you have any questions, visit our Help and Support pages or contact our Partner Accounts for Churches and Charities team.
Giving Platform: Google Pay fix
5 February 2024
Google and Apple Pay are available again to use for your giving
Giving Platform: Pre-selection for anonymous givers
25 January 2024
If you usually want to make gifts anonymously, you can now set this as the default for your Giving Account by contacting our Giving Services team. This won't affect any of your existing gifts, but "Do not share my contact details with the Partner" will be already ticked when you go to set up a new gift.
Giving Platform: Google Pay unavailable
22 December 2023
We're sorry to announce that we have had to temporarily disable Google Pay as a payment method on our platform. Our developers are working on a solution and a full fix will come in the new year. Apologies for any inconvenience in the meantime!
Giving & DAF Accounts: Improvements to 'Create gift' process
19 July 2023
We have made significant improvements to your Stewardship Giving, DAF, or Philanthropy Account.
In the 'Create gift' process, users can now:
- Toggle Gift Aid on/off on a gift-by-gift basis
- Clearly view what the Partner they're supporting will receive and adjust the gift amount if desired
- Give one-off using Apple Pay or Google Pay
Partner Accounts: Suggested gift amounts
16 May 2023
To help inspire and enable more generosity to your charitable cause, our giving platform will now include suggested gift amounts for all Partner Account users.
For users of the Partner Account for Churches and Charities, you can also set custom gift suggestions with related impact statements to showcase more of how your supporters' generosity makes a difference to your work. Check out our Help & Support article for step-by-step guidance on how to set custom amounts.
Giving Platform: Apple Pay & Google Pay
4 April 2023
Giving with Stewardship is now even easier! You can now use Apple Pay and Google Pay as payment methods for one-off gifts made from
Giving Platform: Refreshed process
Part 1 - 14 December 2022
Part 2 - 28 February 2023
You've told us how important it is for giving with Stewardship to be as easy as possible - and we've listened! Now when you click 'give' from a partner profile page (or fundraising page) you enter a vastly improved process, making giving a whole lot easier.
Giving with Stewardship is now:
- Quicker. We’ve reduced the giving process to a few simple steps.
- Simpler. The refreshed design will ensure a clearer and more joyful giving experience.
- More engaging. Partner logos (where provided) will be visible throughout, to grow giver confidence and brand recognition.
Fundraising Pages: Character limit bug fix
26 January 2023
The character counter on fundraising page bios has now been fixed to ensure the counter is up-to-date whilst you edit your page.
Giving & DAF Account: New features
22 October 2022
In a Giving, DAF, or Philanthropy Account, users can now toggle Gift Aid on/off when you top-up. This means there is greater fee transparency for you, with clearer information throughout the top-up process.
Partner Account for Churches & Charities: Reports bug fix
22 October 2022
The ‘Payment Date’ field will no longer be duplicating the ‘Transaction Date’ field in your ‘Transactions’ report when downloaded.
All Accounts: Microsoft Azure
5 September 2022
All Giving and Partner Accounts are now being hosted by Microsoft Azure.
What this means for you and your account experience:
- Accelerated improvements – new product releases, improvements, features, and bug fixes will be released on a more frequent basis
- Less downtime – fewer service interruptions
- Future-ready – enhanced ability to develop our platform based on your valued product feedback