How do I add images?
People support people. Bring your profile to life by showcasing the people contributing to, and benefiting from, your work. Use the same guidance suggested for your cover image to ensure that you’re choosing the right images for your page. ‘A picture can tell a thousand words’ – ensure that you’re capturing the essence of who you are and what you do with the images that you select and that you have the appropriate permission to use them.
To change or upload an image:
- Sign in to your Stewardship account
- Select Profile in the sidebar, or pressat the top on smaller screens
- Select the Page content tab
- Scroll down to Description and press Add image
- Press Upload and choose an image from your device
- Add another image by pressing Add image
- Use the Up and Down arrows to the side of content to reorder them, or press to delete
- Press Save in the bottom bar
- Press View your profile page at the top or bottom of the page to see how you page looks. Edit until you are happy it communicates your mission well
- Images will be displayed at the full width of the content container of your profile page, but at the original aspect ratio – portrait images will continue to be portrait, landscape images will continue to be landscape
- Recommended size for cover photos is 1180px × 531px (20:9 ratio)
- Format: PNG, JPG or GIF, Maximum file size 3MB
- Please ensure that you have the correct permissions to share
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020 8418 8182
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[email protected]