The Stewardship Giving Account provides maximum control and flexibility when it comes to your giving. Using just one Direct Debit, you can be active and reactive in supporting the causes close to your heart, without the need to keep going back and forth to your bank. Access your account online at any time, and manage your giving with just a few taps. We’ll only ever take funds as per your requests to us, so if you set up a monthly payment for £10, we won’t increase that without you asking us to.
With all your giving under one roof, it’s easy to track your giving and you don’t need to go searching through all your bank statements when filling out self-assessment tax return forms. Just sign into your Stewardship account and hit the ‘View transactions’ tab to get all the information you require.
Need to put your giving on pause?
Rather than cancelling your various Direct Debits only to have to set them up again months later, you can simply defer or pause your giving if you need to. Head to the ‘My regular top-up’ tab to alter the next payment date and we’ll make sure to keep your chosen recipient in the loop.
Even if you need to cancel your giving altogether, it’s often the case that givers choose to keep their bank account and their Stewardship account linked by Direct Debit, saving them hassle further down the line. That way if you can’t give regularly but perhaps see an appeal that tugs at your heart strings, you can use your existing account to quickly arrange a one-off gift, without having to enter in all your details again.
Flexible for all your giving needs
The Stewardship Giving Account offers flexibility. It makes giving fun, allowing you to plan ahead or be spontaneous. You can easily keep track of what you’ve given and when, and there’s less admin required with everything in one neat space.
To find out how to make the most of a Stewardship Giving Account, why not get in touch with our team on 0208 502 8560. We’d be happy to help you explore the ways a Giving Account can empower you in your generosity.
For information on how a Direct Debit differs from a Standing Order, check out our fuller blog here.
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