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Inspiring generosity through your Partner Profile

Clare Walker image Clare Walker
5 min

A key finding of the Stewardship Generosity Report 2024 was that “people will feel more driven to give if they feel connected to a cause that can make a difference.” In a digital age, your online presence is an essential place to communicate your cause’s vision and mission. Your partner profile is a first impression to potential new supporters, as well as a platform to excite generosity, build trust, and celebrate success.  


Here are five key ways to enhance your profile

1. Share your story

Give your potential supporters a compelling reason ‘why’ they should support the incredible work that you do.

Your description should make it clear:

1) What outcomes your charity is set up to achieve.

2) How it will achieve these outcomes.

3) Who will benefit from these outcomes.

The words you use matter. It’s important that you clearly say what your charity’s purpose is using clear and precise wording. Try not to be vague or ambiguous. Names of people should only be used with permission. 

Page text screenshot

To add or change text, sign in to your Partner Account, select Profile in the left-hand sidebar, and then select the ‘Page content’ tab. Scroll down to ‘Add text’ and insert your copy into the text box.


2. Add a logo, images and video

For churches and charities:

Your church or charity’s logo helps people to find your profile page and feel confident that they are giving to the cause that they were looking for.

Your logo: will always be visible on your partner profile as well as on every screen throughout the giving process when a giver sets up a one-off or regular gift for your support.

Logo screenshot

Images: Bring your profile to life by showcasing the people contributing to, and benefiting from, your work. Use the same guidance suggested for your cover image to ensure that you’re choosing the right images for your page. ‘A picture can tell a thousand words’ – ensure that you’re capturing the essence of who you are and what you do with the images that you select and that you have the appropriate permissions to use* them.

Product screenshot

To change or upload an image, select ‘Profile’ in the sidebar, then select the ‘Page content’ tab. Select ‘Upload’ and select an image from your documents. Recommended image dimensions: 1180px x 531px (20.9 ration), Format: PNG, JPG or GIF, Maximum file size: 3MB

*Be careful when using images or content from the web or third-party sources, as you may be liable for any image or content used that is subject to copyright law where you don’t hold a rights licence.


Video: is a brilliant way to instantly connect with potential supporters. A compelling story about who you are and what you do, with a clear call to action to support, is a great way to motivate and engage your audience.  

Product screenshot

To add or change a video, select ‘Profile’ in the sidebar, then select the ‘Page content’ tab. Scroll down to ‘Add video’ and insert the URL into the text bar.


For Individual Partners:

Add a profile image: Your profile photo helps people to find your profile page and feel confident that they are supporting the correct partner. Your photo will always be visible on your partner profile as well as on every screen throughout the giving process when a giver sets up a one-off or regular gift for your support.

Profile picture screenshot


3. Link to your website

Invite potential supporters to find out more about you and what you do! Not only do you want to inspire your support team to give financially to equip and enable your work, you also want to invite them to feel a part of the incredible impact that you’re achieving – through their prayers, and by allowing them to engage with and follow the news and stories that you’re sharing online. 

By providing your website URL, supporters can easily link to further information about your work.

Website link screenshot

To upload a weblink, select ‘Profile’ in the sidebar, then select the ‘Key info’ tab. Scroll down to ‘Website’ and type into the text box.


Links to your social networks enable supporters to follow and like the work that you’re doing, becoming a part of your online community.

A link to your PrayerMate page will provide them with an understanding of your needs for their prayers.

Social network links screenshot

To upload social media links and/or PrayerMate, select ‘Profile’ in the sidebar, then select the ‘Key info’ tab. Scroll down to ‘Social Networks’ and type the relevant URLs in the text boxes. Only platforms with a URL will be shown on your profile. 


4. Use projects

A project is a designated fund to raise support for special projects, for example a building fund or a Christmas appeal. Your supporters can donate monthly to projects and are a great way to inspire long-term partnership with them. You can make projects visible or invisible, which can be useful if you run any seasonal appeals each year. Please bear in mind that restricted funds can only be used for the stated purpose – make sure that giving to general funds is still available for your supporters.

If you would like to read more on what you can and cannot do with your charity’s money, read this blog.

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To add or edit projects, login to your Partner Account, select ‘Projects’ on the sidebar. Select ‘Add new project fund’ to create another. Where you have existing projects, you can select the eye icon to change their visibility. If you would like to link a project to a different bank account, please contact our teams.


5. Create a fundraising page

Fundraising pages are ideal for specific appeals and events that your cause is running and are ideal for inspiring one-off gifts from new and existing supporters. You can add multiple images, a fundraising target, and even customise the page URL. Fundraising pages are also available for givers to create on your behalf, and can be used for birthday fundraisers, sponsored events and more! 

Product screenshot

To add or edit projects, login to your Partner Account, select ‘Fundraising’ on the sidebar to create a page. Make sure that you have some images ready to upload. 

We hope you found this article useful for making the most of your Partner Account. If you would like any further guidance on using your account, please contact our teams who will be delighted to assist you. 

Profile image of Clare Walker
Written by

Clare Walker

Clare is part of the Opportunities Team, growing and developing new relationships with Churches and Charities and joined Stewardship in 2023.

Clare is excited to support causes to flourish and achieve more Kingdom impact, through joyful generosity. Previously Head of Engagement across England for Home for Good and a teacher for more than 20 years, Clare has also been a Trustee of Scripture Union and her local church.  Clare has always been part of tiny rural churches and loves the richness of community that can be found living in a Somerset village. 
