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Nial Aliyev

Nial Aliyev

Site Reliability Engineer

In 2014 Nail joined Stewardship as Senior Systems Engineer, in the IT Department.  The technology landscape changes rapidly, and the team continually adapt to try and use it in the best ways to serve Stewardship’s customers and staff.  Last year Nial became Stewardship’s Site Reliability Engineer.

For over 20 years, Nial has worked in the following areas; as an IT professional, education employee, international NGO, retail and in the finance sector. This wide-ranging experience has helped Nial with communicating and supporting customers and  trouble shooting complex technological problems.

Nial and his wife have three children, two with special needs. Despite the huge challenges raising children with autism, the blessings far out number the difficult times.

For 13 years the family were part of an evangelical church in London. Since lockdown, they moved to Canterbury, where Nial serves in the music ministry at their new church.  ‘I know I shouldn't say this, but technology is my favourite hobby alongside astronomy, books and spy movies.’

Nial is passionate about his local church and supports causes that are spreading the good news both locally and globally.