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Lisa Darby

Lisa Darby

Accounts Examiner

Lisa joined our Accounts Examination Services Team in 2019. She is a chartered accountant with over 25 years experience of working with both commercial and charity finances as either an auditor, finance officer or treasurer. Lisa enjoys helping churches and charities navigate their way through the financial regulations of the Charity Commission and Companies House. She appreciates the commitment of a volunteer treasurer role particularly at the year end and aims to support them whilst also encouraging best practice.

Lisa is married with two sons and has recently moved out to Suffolk. She is enjoying discovering the new area and getting to know her neighbours and her new church family.

Lisa is passionate about the local church and the ways in which it serves those of all ages in its’ community.  She is the treasurer of a Christian pre-school and a community hub initiative in her hometown in Essex, so can often be found driving down from Suffolk on the A12! 

